Since finding your company on the internet I’ve become an avid student of your efforts and give you all the credit for being able to “hold my own” when dealing with more experienced contractors and potential customers. Thank you, more than you know.
Thank you for your articles, they have helped us learn so much about running our own construction business and we are grateful. We have purchased your book Markup and Profit as well, and it’s extremely helpful as well.
Believe it when I say that the information you present is the best I have come across. There are many ways to present the information needed for contracting and many opinions on “how to run” your business. For my money, your product is the best value
Thanks for the great class, I really enjoyed it and gained so much knowledge from the class . . . can’t thank you guys enough one of the best programs I have been to in a really long time. Keep up the great work.
I am a landscape contractor . . . I realize your target audience is building contractors but I wanted to let you know that I get so much out of your newsletters. I am so grateful. This has been a huge line of support, clarity and inspiration for my work.
I have been following you for some time now and I want to congratulate you both on, in my opinion, the most straight forward valuable insights for contractors I have come across.