We are often asked, “What is the difference between your service and the other contractor coaches out there? I need business management coaching, but everybody tells me they can help me. Why should I go with you?”

Check the questions below. These are the acid test of a good contractor coach or consultant. Review Michael’s bio to see how he measures up, then read the experiences of his clients.

Practical Experience

1. How many years of actual experience does the coach or consultant have in business? How many in construction? You want a coach or consultant who knows both construction and business.

2. Could they, if needed, visit a job site and help you get your job built? Have they worked with the tools, do they understand the problems of construction? Do they know how to deal with employee problems on a job site?

3. Could they, if needed, go with you on a sales call, or take the lead and sell it for you? Have they done actual one-on-one selling so they know the experience of having a customer say “your price is too high”, along with the other comments that anyone involved in homeowner sales has experienced?

Practical Knowledge

4. Can the coach or consultant tell you the what causes cash flow problems in construction, and how to fix it?

5. If needed, can the coach or consultant help you get creditors off your back, deal with the nasty and threatening phone calls, the threats of liens or lawsuits stopped? Can they help you resolve tax issues with the state or federal IRS departments?


6. Do they provide their services full time, or is it a hobby?

7. Do they do the coaching or consulting work themselves, or are you passed on to someone else in their company?


8. If you have a serious issue and need help right away, are they willing to speak with you or will you have to wait for your scheduled call?


9. Can they supply references of other contractors they have helped? What do those references say about the coach or consultant?

10. What other credentials do they bring to the industry? Have they written books on construction related topics, are they in demand as a seminar moderator or speaker? Do they speak at construction-related national conventions? Are they respected by national suppliers in the construction industry?

Success Ratio

11. What percentage of actual coaching or consulting clients have they been able to turn around and make profitable?

Promises or Real Results?

12. Do they offer you a “system” with the same solutions that will rescue any business, or will they provide one-on-one personal help to meet your needs?

13. Do they woo you with promises of free books and papers on how to do things? Or, will you discover a new mind set so that you can think problems through on your own?