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The Cost of Being Lowest Bid

By Michael Stone

Why would a serious construction-related business owner want to be the lowest bid on a project?

Career Tips from my Hero

By Michael Stone

I first heard about Zig Ziglar in 1973 when I attended one of his events. Over the next several years, if he was speaking nearby, I did my best to be there.

Transparency Has Risks

By Michael Stone

If you believe in transparency with your clients, this note is an example of what can go wrong.

Lesson Learned: Lead Generation Companies

By Michael Stone

Lead generation companies don’t know your ideal clients or your most profitable type of work, and don’t care because they get paid anyway.

Don’t Negotiate Your Price

By Michael Stone

Don’t let your clients dictate or negotiate the price of your work.

Everyone Gets Paid

By Michael Stone

Over the years I’ve heard from many wives or significant others who were tired of living with no money and essentially no future for the business.

Finding Suitable Construction Employees

By Michael Stone

Hiring the wrong person costs money. It costs more than just the time and expense you went through before hiring, because you’ll spend time and money to fire them legally and properly.

Structuring Your Construction Company

By Michael Stone

Many contractors start out building jobs on their own, but it doesn’t take long before you need to hire others to help with production.

Failing Expectations

By Michael Stone

Michael shares a note from a contractor dealing with multiple mistakes he’s made in his business.

Planning for Next Year

By Michael Stone

The end of the year is a good time to look at how you’ve been doing business. What standards have you set, and are you keeping those standards?

How to Have a Profitable Construction Business

By Michael Stone

You can’t focus on being competitive if you want to be profitable. You have to focus on profitability.

Depending on Referrals

By Michael Stone

Take charge of your marketing and let the leads you get by referral be the frosting on the cake.

Advice for a New Contractor

By Michael Stone

Michael shares a note from a new remodeling firm, asking questions that are often asked by new business owners.

Hope is Not a Strategy

By Michael Stone

Michael Stone shares thoughts on protecting your family and construction business from whatever the economy or government throws our way.

Expect the Best, Prepare for the Worst

By Michael Stone

If the worst happens, will those left behind be able to either carry on or close shop without your presence?

Design Agreement Surprises

By Michael Stone

If you want to avoid problems when selling your services, take steps to prevent problems at your first meeting.

The Same Business Principles Apply to Every Trade

By Michael Stone

Most of the training available for construction focuses on production. We talk about business, and business principles don’t vary no matter what type of work you produce.

Make Jobs More Profitable

By Michael Stone

Materials, change work orders, borrowing tools, punch lists, resolving issues.

Improve Jobsite Productivity

By Michael Stone

An efficient, productive construction project makes for more profitable jobs. It’s easier when you pay attention to these details.

Selling Design Agreements

By Michael Stone

With a renovation or remodeling project, your goal from the very beginning should be to sell your services by way of a design agreement. Sell an agreement to design the project since that’s the first necessary step before the job can start.

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