We appreciate comments on our website. Whether you agree or disagree, or just want to add to what’s being said, we want to hear from you. That’s the purpose of commenting. If you comment for the sole purpose of driving someone to your website for your business, we’ll probably delete the link and we might delete your comment.

Please treat our website like it’s our home. And we’ll respond in kind. If you behave respectfully, we’ll treat you respectfully. If you’re rude and offensive, we’ll ask you to leave.

Here are a few guidelines you need to follow on our website:

  1. Be respectful. Don’t use foul language. You may encounter an article that upsets you, and you can certainly speak out your mind about the subject and politely criticize the post, in a creative fashion, but don’t start any flame wars with us or fellow commentators or you’ll get your comment deleted. If you’re provoked, don’t respond. Send us a note and we’ll deal with it. Be courteous and we’ll all benefit.
  2. Be succinct. Make your comments short and to the point or you’ll be ignored. People don’t want to read ramblings or long comments.
  3. Be on topic. Don’t ramble about dishonest contractors when the subject is marketing. It’s true many things are connected, but keep it within limits.
  4. It’s not respectful to go to a party at someone’s home and tell everyone to leave for your party instead. Now, if you treat the host well and let others know you care, they might be interested in finding out what your party is about.
    So don’t market your products or services, and don’t link back to your website in your comment. If you do, we’ll delete the link (and we might delete the comment). If your comments have value, eventually visitors will want to learn more about you.
  5. Don’t copy and paste information from the internet in the comment field. If you want readers to see another article, link to it. Copying is considered plagarism and we can be penalized for it. If the information is valuable and applicable, link to it.

(Thank you, The Lost Art of Blogging for giving us an example!)