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Promoting and Working With Insurance Claims

By Michael Stone

We’ve seen some incredible storms already this year, and there always will be more. Michael shares some thoughts on insurance work.

Guaranteeing Your Work: Providing a Warranty

By Michael Stone

In most states, you, as the contractor, are required to provide a one-year parts and labor warranty on your work. Michael answers a few questions about the details.

Defining Quality

By Michael Stone

Many contractors believe building quality helps sell jobs. But in construction there’s no clear definition of quality.

Year-End Planning, Part 2

By Michael Stone

This is part two of our year-end planning paper. We’re going to pick this up by continuing an indepth look at your overhead budget for the coming year.

Year-End Planning, Part 1

By Michael Stone

Business planning isn’t exciting. But the effort you put into it has much to do with the results you’ll see next year and in years to come.

Mistakes Cost Money

By Michael Stone

I want to share a reminder of how little mistakes in your construction company can easily grow into big problems.

How Much Should You Pay Construction Employees?

By Michael Stone

If you want to attract and keep good employees, you need to pay top dollar.

What’s the Average Price?

By Michael Stone

Have you ever been asked for the average cost per square foot? We know there is no average price, there isn’t even an average job.

Down Payments

By Michael Stone

Are you getting paid for your work, on time and in full? If not, you need to take a hard look at how you’re conducting business.

Generating Consistent Leads

By Michael Stone

There isn’t any magic formula for quickly generating quality leads for your construction business. It requires focused long-term effort.

Employees and Cash Flow

By Michael Stone

Three things can quickly cause cash flow problems in construction. The first is not charging enough for your work or service. The second is using a payment schedule that uses your funds, not theirs, to build jobs. The third is too many employees.

Avoiding Debt, Business and Personal

By Michael Stone

Credit card and supplier debt is the easiest thing to fall into. The only one who wins is the credit card company.

Cash Flow Needs

By Michael Stone

It’s important to know how much cash your business needs, and when, so you can plan ahead and have that cash available.

The Cost of Being Lowest Bid

By Michael Stone

Why would a serious construction-related business owner want to be the lowest bid on a project?

Career Tips from my Hero

By Michael Stone

I first heard about Zig Ziglar in 1973 when I attended one of his events. Over the next several years, if he was speaking nearby, I did my best to be there.

Transparency Has Risks

By Michael Stone

If you believe in transparency with your clients, this note is an example of what can go wrong.

Lesson Learned: Lead Generation Companies

By Michael Stone

Lead generation companies don’t know your ideal clients or your most profitable type of work, and don’t care because they get paid anyway.

Don’t Negotiate Your Price

By Michael Stone

Don’t let your clients dictate or negotiate the price of your work.

Everyone Gets Paid

By Michael Stone

Over the years I’ve heard from many wives or significant others who were tired of living with no money and essentially no future for the business.

Finding Suitable Construction Employees

By Michael Stone

Hiring the wrong person costs money. It costs more than just the time and expense you went through before hiring, because you’ll spend time and money to fire them legally and properly.

Structuring Your Construction Company

By Michael Stone

Many contractors start out building jobs on their own, but it doesn’t take long before you need to hire others to help with production.

Failing Expectations

By Michael Stone

Michael shares a note from a contractor dealing with multiple mistakes he’s made in his business.

Planning for Next Year

By Michael Stone

The end of the year is a good time to look at how you’ve been doing business. What standards have you set, and are you keeping those standards?

How to Have a Profitable Construction Business

By Michael Stone

You can’t focus on being competitive if you want to be profitable. You have to focus on profitability.

Depending on Referrals

By Michael Stone

Take charge of your marketing and let the leads you get by referral be the frosting on the cake.

Advice for a New Contractor

By Michael Stone

Michael shares a note from a new remodeling firm, asking questions that are often asked by new business owners.

Hope is Not a Strategy

By Michael Stone

Michael Stone shares thoughts on protecting your family and construction business from whatever the economy or government throws our way.

Expect the Best, Prepare for the Worst

By Michael Stone

If the worst happens, will those left behind be able to either carry on or close shop without your presence?

Design Agreement Surprises

By Michael Stone

If you want to avoid problems when selling your services, take steps to prevent problems at your first meeting.

The Same Business Principles Apply to Every Trade

By Michael Stone

Most of the training available for construction focuses on production. We talk about business, and business principles don’t vary no matter what type of work you produce.

Make Jobs More Profitable

By Michael Stone

Materials, change work orders, borrowing tools, punch lists, resolving issues.

Improve Jobsite Productivity

By Michael Stone

An efficient, productive construction project makes for more profitable jobs. It’s easier when you pay attention to these details.

Selling Design Agreements

By Michael Stone

With a renovation or remodeling project, your goal from the very beginning should be to sell your services by way of a design agreement. Sell an agreement to design the project since that’s the first necessary step before the job can start.

Setting Priorities

By Michael Stone

If you’re a business owner, prioritizing how you spend your time is critical. There aren’t enough hours in a day to do everything that needs doing.

Estimating Labor, Accounting for Trash

By Michael Stone

Estimating a construction project requires working through the details. The better you cover those details, the more accurate your estimate.

Building Inspectors and Your Estimate

By Michael Stone

The building inspector who shows up can increase the cost of your project. That’s why you need to add an inspector factor to your estimate.

Estimating Construction Costs

By Michael Stone

Estimating errors cost money, because the purpose of a construction estimate is to know how much to price a job.

Trucks, Phones and Language

By Michael Stone

Keeping your business sharp and profitable is an ongoing process, and it’s easy to get lax about little things that can cost big money.

A Guaranteed Price

By Michael Stone

When selling construction services, quoting a guaranteed price protects homeowners from the price increases that happen with a too low price.

Who You Listen To Matters

By Michael Stone

As I watch young people decide to become a coach or consultant in construction, I wonder how much they really know.

Get Ahead of Job Delays

By Michael Stone

Job delays are often caused by the things we don’t see; you can’t stop all delays but you can get ahead of them.

Increasing Your Markup

By Michael Stone

Like many of you, I read industry magazines to keep up on new ideas. Much of what I read is good, but a recent article titled “Strategies for Increasing Your Markup” requires a comment.

Value Your Work

By Michael Stone

Your work is vital; rather than worrying about your price, recognize and sell the value you bring to a project.

Your Work Has Value

By Michael Stone

I’m addicted to the creature comforts that my home provides. Those comforts are provided by skilled workers in the construction industry.

Invest In Your Business

By Michael Stone

Investing your time and effort in discovering how to run a successful construction business is a key to success.

Educating on Quality

By Michael Stone

Home and building owners need to know that hiring the least expensive contractor often means compromising on quality.

Renegotiating the Price

By Michael Stone

How should you respond when a client wants to change the price AFTER the job has started?

Sales: Setting Ground Rules

By Michael Stone

Michael shares a few situations you’ll run into when selling construction-related services that provide the opportunity to set ground rules for the relationship.

The Advantage of Continuing Education

By Michael Stone

It doesn’t matter if you’ve been doing things the same way for 1 year or for 65 years, taking the time and initiative to find out if there’s a better way increases your odds of success.

Is Cost-Plus the Solution to Underpriced Jobs?

By Michael Stone

Both fixed-price and cost-plus contracts carry risk. Is cost-plus the solution?

Resolve Estimate Details Before Quoting

By Michael Stone

His salesperson sold a kitchen remodel without resolving some details. The homeowner insisted it wouldn’t be a big deal. It was a big deal.

Employees: Details that Cost You Money

By Michael Stone

Nothing is more frustrating than to work hard only to find out your business isn’t making money. Michael discusses three things that can make a big difference on the bottom line.

Estimating Construction Profitably

By Michael Stone

Estimating Construction Profitably is a guide to estimating; or more accurately, a guide to creating your own estimating system.

Changing the Terms of the Contract

By Michael Stone

Why do clients enter a contract and then think they can unilaterally change the terms?

Motivate Your Construction Employees

By Michael Stone

In construction, employees are motivated and engaged when they know the reason behind their work. They need to know their jobs matter.

After the Sale; Pre-Job Layout

By Michael Stone

The pre-job conference or pre-job layout is when all the details get ironed out that can easily be forgotten. It’s when the job is handed from sales to production. After this meeting the production manager is in charge.

In Construction, Communicate the Details

By Michael Stone

Are you giving your clients the information they need to be confident you’re building the job they want?

Business Skills and Your Construction Business

By Michael Stone

It’s easy to think we already know all we need to know. If you want to be successful, continually improve your business skills.

Should You Join a Trade Association?

By Michael Stone

During a recent “Sharing Ideas” online discussion, the subject of trade associations came up: Is joining a trade association worthwhile?

Residential Construction Quality Standards

By Michael Stone

In residential construction, it’s not unusual for your client to have an unrealistic quality standard. That’s why you need to establish the standard ahead of time.

Growing a Construction Business

By Michael Stone

Growth is inevitable when you successfully market your business and have solid business practices but growing a construction business brings a few challenges along with the blessings.

Managing Jobs: This is Where it Went Bad

By Michael Stone

Michael shares a story from a contractor who delegated to the wrong person, and that’s where the job went bad.

Sales: Are You There to Help?

By Michael Stone

When selling, are youhere to find out how much money you can make, or to provide a service and help?

Calculate Your Cost Per Lead

By Michael Stone

When you calculate your cost per lead, you’ll know what you need to spend on marketing to meet your sales goals.

Getting Between the Owner and a Sub

By Michael Stone

A subcontractor causes a problem on a construction job, the general contractor needs to make it right. It happens a lot, this time with a twist.

Doing Things Right

By Michael Stone

Michael shares a valuable tool that will improve both your sales and your relationships.

Doing Things Wrong

By Michael Stone

It’s painful to see people who don’t know better get taken advantage of by those who do or should know better.

Doing Work Without a Permit

By Michael Stone

Doing work without a permit is a mistake. Pulling permits protects the homeowner; when a contractor doesn’t want to pull a permit, there’s always a reason.

Should I Change My Markup If I’m Not Making Sales?

By Michael Stone

Should you change your markup method if you aren’t making sales? Don’t spend hours fiddling with numbers; invest the time in your sales skills.

Liquidated Damages in Construction

By Michael Stone

When customers start talking about liquidated damages in construction, it’s time to ask why.

Contracts Matter; Collecting Final Payment

By Michael Stone

When you provide a dishonest client a cost breakdown of their job, things can go wrong.

Make Time by Delegating

By Michael Stone

It’s easy to fool yourself into believing it’s better to do it yourself, until you realize the things you’re supposed to do aren’t getting done.

Character Matters

By Michael Stone

You can’t always determine if the person you are about to do business with is ethical, but you do know your own behavior. Choosing to operate your business with integrity is within your control.

Make Construction Work for You

By Michael Stone

Construction can be a tough business, dealing with clients who don’t realize what we’re worth, while our bodies take a beating to make their homes better.

Definition of Terms

By Michael Stone

What does a general contractor do? What is a specialty contractor? How do remodeling and new construction differ?

How Do You Measure Success in Construction?

By Michael Stone

Our goal is to help contractors build more profitable businesses, but how do you measure success? How do you know your pricing will result in a profit?

Paying a Salesperson: Commission on Sales, not Profit

By Michael Stone

If you employ a salesperson to help you sell something, you need to pay them for their services. I am a firm believer in paying sales people by commission

Purchasing Commercial Insurance

By Michael Stone

Purchasing commercial insurance can be a frustrating experience for many construction businesses.

Unit Cost Estimating

By Michael Stone

Unit cost estimating is breaking down a project to simple assemblies. It’s the best way to consistently acquire accurate estimates.

Handling Customer Complaints

By Michael Stone

No matter how careful you are, you, your crew, or one of your subcontractors will upset a client. How you handle customer complaints says a lot about your business and your character.

Price Proposal Deadlines

By Michael Stone

All price proposals need a deadline because you never know when material and labor costs will increase rapidly.

Construction Sales: Make Time Count

By Michael Stone

Construction sales take time and your time is valuable. Avoid these common time-wasters when selling construction services.

Construction Cash Flow and Business Success

By Michael Stone

Construction cash flow is like every other business; there must be more cash flowing in than flowing out or the business won’t survive.

Rapidly Increasing Material Costs

By Michael Stone

Quoting a firm fixed price is riskier when material costs are increasing rapidly, which is why your contract needs to address unexpected material cost increases.

Design Agreements and the Budget

By Michael Stone

The purpose of a design agreement is to get a commitment from your client to design the project so you don’t have to do the design for free. How do you keep the design within the budget?

The Cost of Callbacks

By Michael Stone

Having to return to a previous job and fix something that’s wrong costs money. Knowing the cost of a callback helps you or your crew to be more diligent to avoid them in the future.

Wrapping Up a Difficult Project

By Michael Stone

It can a challenge to finish a project, especially when it was priced too low for a difficult client and with a weak contract.

Financial Plan for Success and Survival

By Michael Stone

If you thought you were the captain of your ship, 2020 taught otherwise.

Construction Websites that Generate Leads

By Michael Stone

A construction website should be a lead generating asset. It doesn’t have to be expensive, but if it doesn’t generate leads it’s a waste of time and effort.

Why Do You Need a Written Construction Contract?

By Michael Stone

Almost all conflicts contractors face could be avoided or quickly resolved if there is a clear, detailed construction contract between the parties.

Charging a Fair Price

By Michael Stone

You can be the most ethical person in the world and if you aren’t charging enough for your work, you stand a good chance of cheating someone else.

Lowball Pricing in Construction

By Michael Stone

It’s not unusual to find a contractor who sells by deliberately underpricing or underbidding jobs and making up the difference with change work orders.

Specialty Contractors and Down Payments

By Michael Stone

Should specialty contractors require down payments even when working through a General Contractor?

Remodeling Sales: Setting the Budget

By Michael Stone

A business owner in the UK asked a question that illustrates that remodeling sales challenges are the same regardless of your location.

The Skinny on Change Work Orders

By Michael Stone

A compendium on change work orders on a new home, remodeling or renovation project; why they matter, how to price them, what to include, and more.

Building a Successful Construction Business

By Michael Stone

I take many calls from contractors whose business is more like a low-paying job than a successful construction business. Some ask, “Is it even possible in today’s economic climate? Can my business make money?”

Family Matters More Than Business

By Michael Stone

Our goal is to help construction-related business owners build a better business. We receive many phone calls and notes from our clients, and most of the time we hear good things. Sometimes we hear another side of the story.

You Have Better Things to Do than Estimate

By Michael Stone

Getting a commitment from potential clients is critical if you want to save yourself a ton of time and work putting together an estimate that won’t go anywhere. You have better things to do with your time.

Clients and Your Job Schedule

By Michael Stone

One of the concerns a homeowner has when they’ve hired a contractor is whether they’ll do what they said they’ll do. It is a legitimate concern. They don’t know what’s going on in your head, only what’s happening with their job.

Who Pays for On-the-Job Training?

By Michael Stone

Training in construction is important, especially with a shortage of employees. A general contractor asked about a subcontractor who is training an apprentice.

The Sales Call: Budget and Design

By Michael Stone

Budget doesn’t need to be a major worry during the design and build of a project if you handle it properly during the sales call.

Cost-Plus Contracts

By Michael Stone

Why cost plus and time & material contracts should be avoided, for both contractors and building owners.

Shady Contractors

By Michael Stone

If you’re doing residential construction, you’ve met all kinds of people. There are also all kinds of contractors, and some of them don’t operate ethically.

Estimating Labor in Construction

By Michael Stone

Our last newsletter triggered a question on estimating labor.

Estimating Errors Cost Money

By Michael Stone

Estimating the cost of a remodeling, renovation or specialty project accurately is critical if you want to be profitable.

When Business Returns

By Michael Stone

At some point this health crisis will slow down and go away. When it does, there’s a good chance we’ll be doing some things differently. But some things won’t change.

When Business Dries Up

By Michael Stone

If sales have dropped off significantly or you’re under a stay-at-home order, here are 3 things that you need to do now for both your business and your family.

Four Diamonds of Communication

By Michael Stone

Sales is about communicating and interacting positively with others. Those skills make life easier in any delicate conversation.

Hang On – Getting Through These Times

By Michael Stone

Michael Stone offers suggestions on how to keep your construction business strong during this Coronavirus emergency.

It’s Not For Us

By Michael Stone

Michael Stone shares about a note from a contractor who initially found the Markup & Profit Revisited book “too extreme” and “not for us” – but now realizes it makes sense.

Unclear Change Work Orders

By Michael Stone

Pricing changes for a change work order isn’t easy when the scope of work isn’t clear.

Time and Material Woes

By Michael Stone

Time and Material contracts are full of risk, especially on larger jobs.

Investing in Your Business

By Michael Stone

Constant input from others is necessary if you want to stay on top of both your business and your personal life.

Business or Charity?

By Michael Stone

If you’re a business owner and take on a project out of the goodness of your heart, recognize you might not get paid and will be funding the project.

Borrowing Jacks

By Michael Stone

I recently had to face what I thought would be an uncomfortable personal conversation. I fussed all morning, then went to visit the person involved.

Payment Methods

By Michael Stone

I don’t think writing a check is old fashioned, but there are so many advantages to using a credit or debit card that it’s become the preferred payment method for many.

Protect Your Time

By Michael Stone

Some people are used to snapping their fingers and having others jump. It’s irritating, but you have to remember that they’re writing the checks.

Clear Sales Communication; It’s Your Responsibility

By Michael Stone

I want to share a recent phone conversation with a contractor concerning a problem they were having with a client.

Hiring a Salesperson

By Michael Stone

I’m a firm believer in treating salespeople well. When they’re treated well, they’ll sell. When they sell, you win.

Let’s Discuss an Acceptable Hourly Rate . . .

By Michael Stone

This note is a painfully perfect example of why you shouldn’t provide details on your pricing.

About Your Exorbitant Markup . . .

By Michael Stone

From a contractor: “I am definitely going to do a better job in pre-selecting my clients after this one.”

Words from an Expert on Hiring Contractors

By Michael Stone

A contractor sent us an online article written by a real estate investor with the purpose of educating you on “how to develop a fair relationship with your contractor.”

Final Payments and Guarantees

By Michael Stone

When clients try to change the terms of the contract, you don’t have to go along.

On Politely & Confidently Qualifying Leads

By Todd Milton

A guest article: How do you avoid going out on sales calls to look at jobs for folks who obviously do not qualify to purchase from your company?

Missing the Sale

By Michael Stone

Is there anything you can do about the sales you miss?

A Yardstick for Success

By Michael Stone

It’s the last Wednesday of the summer, which is a great time to look back and see how your business fared.

What Happens To Your Business If You Can’t Be There?

By Michael Stone

If you own a business, your illness or death will create business problems for your families and your employees.

Why Do You Need To Make A Profit?

By Michael Stone

Don’t confuse profit with salary or hourly wages. Making a profit isn’t optional: Your business needs profit to survive.

Promoting Your Business: The County Fair

By Michael Stone

It’s summer, and that means community gatherings for people wanting to have fun. In our area, the main event is the county fair. I’m confident there is a similar event in your area.

Cell Phones on the Jobsite

By Michael Stone

I am not opposed to the use of cell phones on the jobsite as long as the phone is used solely to communicate information about the job, and the calls are direct and to the point.

Overhead Differences: New Homes and Remodeling

By Michael Stone

A construction company building both new homes and remodeling needs to calculate a separate markup for each type of work.

Honest Relationships

By Michael Stone

There are always at least two sides to any scenario, but if you want to stay in business, consider this a lesson on how not to treat a subcontractor.

Taxes and Profit and Markup

By Michael Stone

Michael addresses a few different questions we’ve heard recently, primarily dealing with taxes and profit and calculating your markup.

When Success Looks Impossible

By Michael Stone

After reading our books and trying to do things right, why is he still not making any money?

Focusing On Price

By Michael Stone

“The #1 reason I lose jobs is ‘your price is too high.’ What am I doing wrong?”

Spare Topics

By Michael Stone

It’s time to catch up on some spare topics I have lying around. These aren’t earth shaking but they can and will impact your bottom line.

Contract Language That Puts You at Risk

By Michael Stone

Over the years, I’ve seen contract language evolve, shifting more and more responsibility to general and specialty contractors.

Subs: Take Care of Business

By Michael Stone

A contractor friend called to complain about problems he’s having with specialty contractors in his area. This isn’t a one-time complaint; I’ve heard the same from others around the country.

Transparency and Partnerships

By Michael Stone

What do you do when your partner is listening to someone who knows nothing about construction, but still thinks they knows what’s best?

Know Your Numbers: Current Ratio

By Michael Stone

There is a measure you can use to determine how financially solid your company is at any given point in time. It’s called the current ratio, and it’s a good idea to check it regularly.

Handyman vs Service Agreement

By Michael Stone

Is it a good idea to have a service agreement to cover small jobs under a certain amount?

Estimating, Labor Burden, Cost of Goods Sold

By Michael Stone

When you own a small business you wear a lot of hats. Understanding the numbers might not be your favorite hat, but numbers are important because they show where you stand financially.

How to Calculate Markup

By Michael Stone

When I teach a class or webinar, sometimes I wonder if my listeners understand what I’m trying to say. After reading some of the questions that came in during a recent webinar, I realized I missed the mark.

Pricing Mistakes

By Michael Stone

Everyone, and I do mean everyone, who has ever compiled an estimate has made a math error that put knots in their stomach once it was realized.

Design Agreement Fees

By Michael Stone

The last thing I want to do is cause a family problem, but apparently I did with one family.

Liability Insurance Tangle

By Michael Stone

Some time back we received a well-written letter about liability insurance from a contractor in Washington state.

Protect Your Business – Change Work Orders

By Michael Stone

Michael discusses a ploy some building owners use to not pay for all of their change work orders. It happens in both residential and commercial projects.

Give Them What They Need to Make a Decision

By Michael Stone

Clients are changing, and if you want to stay in the game and make something more than a living, you’ll need to change with them.

Overhead and Profit on Change Orders

By Michael Stone

You shouldn’t sign a contract that stipulates what you can charge, even if it’s just on the change orders.

Protecting Design Work

By Michael Stone

A contractor who has designed projects asked how to protect his design work.

Writing a Business Plan for a Construction Business

By Michael Stone

A business plan is different than year-end planning. A business plan looks at the big picture. It’s a roadmap for the whole journey.

Training an Architect

By Michael Stone

A contractor we’ve known and worked with for many years sent us a note about his experience working with a new architect. Ideally, the architect would have been working with the contractor from the beginning so he could have educated the client as well.

Share Your Cards

By Michael Stone

Business cards are a simple, inexpensive way to provide everyone you come in contact with the information they need to reach you.

What Should You Do With Your Profit?

By Michael Stone

The best way to avoid paying taxes is to not make a profit at all, but it’s a rough way to live. 

Avoiding a Potential Pain in the Assets

By Michael Stone

A good guy we know was recently working with a potential client when he ran into some concerns.

Dodging Payment

By Michael Stone

There are things you can and should do when a client tries to dodge making payments.

Canvassing: Connect with the Neighborhood

By Michael Stone

One of the more unpopular things I recommend is canvassing the neighborhood around your jobs. It’s unpopular because it’s misunderstood.

Avoiding Jobs That Don’t Fit

By Michael Stone

It’s smart to specialize on the work that makes you the most money. It’s even better if you know contractors who can pick up the leads outside your specialty.

Setting and Keeping a Schedule

By Michael Stone

The job is sold, schedule is set, project gets started, and suddenly it’s behind schedule. When it happens, it eats into your profit and upsets your clients.

Unrealistic Price Expectations

By Michael Stone

If they called you, doesn’t that mean they need or want the work done?

Family Fights

By Michael Stone

The topic is uncomfortable but if you’re involved in residential sales, you’ll see family disagreements. It helps to know what to do.

Clients Working on Their Job

By Michael Stone

Should you let a client work on the job they’ve hired you and your company to build?

Doing What’s Right

By Michael Stone

How should you handle a mistake? What if it’s a mistake you made over a decade ago?

Making The Trades More Attractive

By Michael Stone

If you want to attract the best people, you need to make them a good offer.

Share The Satisfaction of Working in the Trades

By Michael Stone

There’s a reason that working in the trades isn’t appealing. But if you do the work, you know there are positives that outweigh the negatives.

Profit and Loss and Markup

By Michael Stone

When your books are set up properly, it’s easy to calculate your markup, and it’s also easy to compare your actual results to your estimates.

Calculating for Taxes

By Michael Stone

Taxes are the price you pay for being profitable. It’s a good thing when your business is in the black and you need to pay taxes on it. It’s not good when you’re taken by surprise.

Making Money or Keeping Busy?

By Michael Stone

When everyone but your family benefits from your business, it’s time for a reality check.

Can They Find You?

By Michael Stone

If you’re a dependable, responsible construction-business owner, do potential clients in your area know you exist?

Getting Ahead

By Michael Stone

As we head into Memorial Day weekend, we want to share an upbeat note we received in April from a client.

Looking for a Deal

By Michael Stone

It’s amazing the things a potential client can think of to get you to lower your price.

Working With a Designer

By Michael Stone

Is there a common ground or way that the designer and contractor can do business together, each make the money they need to, and not overcharge the customer?

Job Superintendent / Leadman

By Michael Stone

Finding good employees is difficult, and you want to keep the ones you find. Sadly, I’ve spoken with a few contractors who’ve had their lead person, the one running their jobs, quit in frustration.

Construction Business Safeguards: Fraud and Embezzlement

By Michael Stone

We hear many stories from business owners who have had to recover from the theft of funds by their own employees. Today we’re sharing a list of things you can do to protect yourself and your business.

Hiring Friends and Family

By Michael Stone

When you own a small business you’re often asked to hire family or friends. Sometimes it works out great, but not always.

Pricing Handyman and Service Work

By Michael Stone

There are two schools of thought on pricing handyman projects and service work: T&M or flat rate pricing. They both have advantages and disadvantages.

Single Discipline Leads, Referral Fees

By Michael Stone

The note stated, “Because I’m the middle man, my subcontractor loses out a potential project.” That’s true, and it’s one reason you shouldn’t get into the position of being a middle man.

Dishonest Clients

By Michael Stone

We often hear from contractors dealing with a client who, for whatever reason, has decided to change the terms of their contract. Other professionals have the same problem.

Justifying Your Price

By Michael Stone

If your lawyer believes you have to justify your pricing just because someone doesn’t want to pay their bill, it’s time to find another lawyer.

Transparency – Or Maybe Not

By Michael Stone

Is transparency the way to go when selling? Be careful who you listen to.

Loaning Your License

By Michael Stone

It’s interesting how friends, relatives, and other contractors try to rope you into their schemes by asking to borrow your license to build their jobs.

Subcontractor Payment Schedules

By Michael Stone

Payment schedules need to be in writing, that includes between a general and specialty contractor.

Collecting Payment from a Dishonest Homeowner – Updated

By Michael Stone

Not all of your clients are honest. There are even a few who have no intention of paying you for the work you do.

Markup or Margin: Be Logical

By Michael Stone

If they tell you the formula to use will make you more profit, that’s baloney. It’s the numbers you use that determines your profit.

A Reputation for Cleanliness

By Michael Stone

Every day we drive by a new home under construction. I don’t know how many people pass this new home every day but I would guess it’s in the thousands; the road is always busy.

Resolve Their Challenges, Make The Sale

By Michael Stone

A survey outlines the challenges homeowners say they’re facing when they remodel or renovate their home. It’s valuable info, because it tells you what they need help with. It’s your job to show them you can provide that help.

Pricing Fears

By Michael Stone

A recent Houzz survey confirmed what you need to know if you’re in sales; it’s not all about price.

Last Minute Requests Before Closing the Sale

By Michael Stone

What do you do when a potential client waits until the proposal is together to request itemization on the project?

We Don’t Advertise

By Michael Stone

“We don’t advertise” is well meaning mischief at its worst. It cuts your company off from a large pool of potential clients who are looking for a contractor to help them get their job built.

Should You Purchase a Construction-Related Franchise?

By Michael Stone

If you’re considering purchasing a franchise, or if you’ve been contacted by a franchisor because of your success, put your emotions on hold and evaluate it carefully.

Making a Positive First Impression

By Michael Stone

Building trust always starts when you are first contacted by a potential client. Michael discusses how to do it right, and how to do it wrong.

Objections Book

By Michael Stone

An objections book is a history of your sales calls. It includes everything you said and did, right or wrong. I have only met two or three others in my thirty-plus years of direct selling who took the time to compile a book, but each one became outstanding in their profession.

An Opinion on Itemized Estimates

By Michael Stone

A building owner challenges our statement that contractors shouldn’t itemize their estimates.

A Minimum Price

By Michael Stone

Being profitable doesn’t mean getting rich off your clients.

Job Costs and Overhead

By Michael Stone

I’ve seen contractors try to apportion overhead on a daily, weekly, monthly or per job basis when compiling their estimates. I don’t recommend any of those approaches.

Cost-Plus with a “Not to Exceed”

By Michael Stone

A contractor asked for my opinion on a request he recently received. It’s not a win-win proposition.

Setting the Budget First

By Michael Stone

In our book, Profitable Sales, A Contractor’s Guide, we discuss the need to set the client’s budget for a project. One of our clients sent a note recently that explains why setting the budget up front is important.

Let Them Know What to Expect

By Michael Stone

If you’re doing service work, make sure your client knows what to expect before you start.

Cancelled Design Agreements

By Michael Stone

A call came in from a friend recently. It seems that a client of his wants to cancel a signed design agreement.

Estimating Incomplete or Conceptual Plans

By Michael Stone

To be blunt: projects like this are a waste of time. I’ve rarely if ever seen a request like this turn into a contract

Clients Changing the Contract

By Michael Stone

I’ve written before about clients who decide to make changes to a contract. Last week I heard from two different contractors who had to deal with this, and I want to share their stories.

Are You Worth It?

By Michael Stone

Construction is a tough industry. For some, the hardest part is making the sale. They’re out of their comfort zone. They don’t want to talk about money or ask for the sale.

Can You Be Both Competitive and Profitable?

By Michael Stone

You can be competitive, or you can be profitable. You can’t be both.

Finding The Path to Success

By Michael Stone

You had ambition and energy. Then reality set in.

Generational Differences

By Michael Stone

I’ve been reading advice in a few construction magazines on how to sell to millennials, and I don’t understand the fuss.

Who Generated The Lead?

By Michael Stone

When subcontractors or employees are approached, they are obligated to notify the general contractor who brought them there, and let him handle the lead.

Mediation or Arbitration?

By Michael Stone

Your contract should call for arbitration, not mediation, to settle disputes.

Contractor Issues with Architects & Designers

By Michael Stone

These relationships can be profitable for both parties, but they can also quickly become squabbles if the relationships aren’t valued.

Pricing Without Plans

By Michael Stone

It’s important to remember you aren’t in business to drive around and give out numbers. If you’re a specialty contractor, you also aren’t in business to provide numbers to architects or general contractors.

I Don’t Need Any Leads!

By Michael Stone

“I have more work than I can do. I tell new leads to call me after the first of the year.”

Client Causing Job Delays

By Michael Stone

If you want to lose money on a job, agree to let your client do part of the job or provide their own materials without setting clear boundaries.

Business Owner, or Hired Labor?

By Michael Stone

Ever heard the old saying that something “pushed your buttons”? It’s an emotional reaction, usually not positive. Well, Devon took a phone call last week that pushed my buttons.

Right of Rescission

By Michael Stone

When I’m working with a group of contractors, I often ask how many are providing a Right of Rescission form with their contracts. Many contractors aren’t even aware of the document or realize its importance.

Pricing Small Jobs

By Michael Stone

It’s hard to remember what you’re worth, especially if you’re spending time on jobs that cost you money.

Preparing to Estimate

By Michael Stone

Estimating is necessary, but it isn’t easy; it’s hard, tedious work. There are four basic things you need before you begin your estimate.

An Unbalanced Partnership

By Michael Stone

I’ve written before about middlemen in the construction industry: I’m not fond of them. There is another type of middleman in the construction industry, facility and property management companies.

Construction Allowances: What They Are, How to Use Them

By Michael Stone

A construction allowance is a dollar amount included in the contract for a particular item. There are two types of construction allowances: material and installed.

Working for Big Box Stores

By Michael Stone

A young guy asked if signing on with one of the big box stores was a good idea. He hasn’t discovered yet that getting a lot of work doesn’t mean you’ll make lots of money.

Markup Worries

By Michael Stone

Remember, you’re in business to provide a service and make a profit doing it.

Subs or Employees – Are Subs More Expensive?

By Michael Stone

Does subcontracting raise the price of the project?

Don’t Be This Contractor

By Michael Stone

Please don’t be this contractor. Please don’t be that homeowner.

Your Labor Rate and Your Markup

By Michael Stone

Using the wrong labor rate, or using someone else’s markup when you don’t know their assumptions, is one of the biggest mistakes we see and the difference can be thousands of dollars.

Adjusting Your Markup

By Michael Stone

In Markup & Profit Revisited, we explain how to calculate your markup. We’re often asked if you can adjust your markup based on the length of the job.

Hiring A Contractor: Truth vs. Myths

By Michael Stone

Some advice on hiring a contractor is just plain wrong.

The One-Legged Sales Call: Find Out If They’re Serious

By Michael Stone

One-legged sales calls. Frankly, this is much to do over a problem with a fairly simple solution.

Careful What You Pay for a Lead

By Michael Stone

I recently read an article reviewing a new lead-generating service, and it stated, “Our contractors only pay us a 5% referral fee, once they win the job.”

Bidding or Selling?

By Michael Stone

Are you bidding on jobs, or are you selling them? There’s a difference.

Free Estimates

By Michael Stone

What you do has value. Respect your time and your knowledge.

Are Your Clients Thinking “So What?”

By Michael Stone

On a sales call, if you’re speaking and your potential client is thinking “so what?”, you’ve lost them.

Insurance Repair Projects

By Michael Stone

A coaching client shared two recent experiences while doing insurance repair projects. One was positive, one wasn’t.

Clients Wanting Cost-Plus

By Michael Stone

Many building owners want a Cost-Plus contract because they believe they’ll have more control over the total cost of the project. It’s your job to educate them on the downside.

When Your Client Sets the Price

By Michael Stone

When your client wants a lower price, something has to change. It shouldn’t be just your price.

Maintaining Your Right to Lien

By Michael Stone

At least once a week I hear from someone who can’t get paid for work they’ve done.

Getting Quotes from Subs

By Michael Stone

Without a paid design agreement from the client, you aren’t sure you’ll get the job. Your subs are even less sure they’ll get the job.

Documenting Jobs

By Michael Stone

There are two benefits to documenting your jobs. One is protecting yourself in case there is a disagreement about the project. The other is providing information that will help you when you’re promoting your business.

Itemization Woes

By Michael Stone

We’d like to share an email received from an anonymous homeowner. If you believe that it’s smart to provide an itemized invoice, this will make you reconsider.

Sharing Company Goals

By Michael Stone

It’s the time of year when you should be planning for the coming year. Once you set your plans for the year, how much of those plans should you share with your employees?

Your Sales Presentation

By Michael Stone

Given how valuable leads are, once you get one, you need a sales procedure to help make the sale.

Hire Slowly, Fire Quickly

By Michael Stone

Issues that eat into profitability: It’s easy to hire someone who looks good on paper. If the resume is terrific and their references are glowing, they get hired.

Pricing Too Low

By Michael Stone

It is a fact of life that when you sell construction-related services, you’ll have clients tell you that your price is too high. Bless their hearts. They have no idea what would be a fair price for the work they want done, they just know that your price is too high.

Low-Value Jobs

By Michael Stone

I read many articles on the construction industry looking for, among other things, information on how the construction industry is doing and what we can expect in the immediate and near future. One statistic that always interests me is the size of the average remodeling job.

It’s Time to Stop Being Superman

By Michael Stone

In every business, some things we do eat into our profitability. Do you run your business or does your business run you?

Markup on Subs

By Michael Stone

A lot of contractors don’t believe they need to use their full markup on subcontractor quotes. Let me explain why that can be a mistake.

Proprietary Business Information

By Michael Stone

An architect he knew asked him to meet with the owners of a proposed new home. As they were discussing the project, the architect asked our friend, in front of the clients, “What’s your overhead and profit percentage?”

Bookkeeping, Markup, Taxes, Advertising

By Michael Stone

This week I want to catch up on a few things that have been bothering me.

What’s a Reasonable Advertising Budget?

By Michael Stone

How much should you spend on advertising? How much is too much?

Owners Supplying Their Own Materials

By Michael Stone

Should you let a client furnish their own materials?

The Salesperson’s Real Job

By Michael Stone

When I think about major influences on my sales training, I think of Tom Hopkins. He was an outstanding salesman who become a gifted sales trainer, and I still receive and read his newsletters.

Dishonest Clients; Collecting the Final Payment

By Michael Stone

How do you deal with a dishonest client? I recently corresponded with a contractor concerning this issue.

Referral Fees and Sales Commissions

By Michael Stone

A referral fee is what you pay to the person who provides you a lead. A sales commission is what you pay a salesperson to close a sale.

Wasting Time: Red Flags on a Sales Call

By Michael Stone

A potential client wanted to get a bid on some work at her home. Our coaching client was pretty sure the lead was dead, and wanted to know if she should have done anything differently to have made the sale.

Who should do the talking?

By Michael Stone

I was asked recently by an electrical supplier, “Why do general contractors often not want their subcontractors to have any communication with the home owner?”

Another Myth: Lower Your Markup for Larger Jobs

By Michael Stone

“I am working on designing a few jobs with the job costs starting around $125,000 and up. What is your opinion on markup when the job costs are getting bigger? I want to make sure I am staying competitive.”

Work Product Exclusion, Hiring Subcontractors

By Michael Stone

Last week’s article discussed the pros and cons of using employees or subcontractors to get jobs built. This week, Myles Corcoran of Myles F. Corcoran Construction Consulting Inc., presents another point of view.

Subs or Employees, That is the Question

By Michael Stone

Recently I’ve had a number of discussions with company owners about how to get their jobs built. It all comes down to using subs or employees, or as some like to say, “Should I be a paper contractor or a real contractor?”

Payment Schedules on Small Jobs

By Michael Stone

It’s important to manage the payment schedule on your jobs, but not all jobs are the same.

Penciling a Salesperson

By Michael Stone

If salespeople know the business owner will back them up and pay them fairly, they’re motivated to produce profitable sales. If they aren’t motivated to make sales, the business is in trouble.

Client Outrage

By Michael Stone

Real or fake outrage can be a client’s attempt to elicit an emotional response from you to get what they want. It often puts you in the position of questioning yourself and your company, not dealing with the subject at hand.

The Downside of Commission Sales

By Michael Stone

I’ve long been an advocate for paying salespeople on straight commission. Not everyone agrees, not even all the experts, but in my experience straight commission is the best way to go.

Generals and Subs: Working Together

By Michael Stone

It’s important to define the ground rules of your relationship.

Design Agreement Contract, Letter of Intent

By Michael Stone

A design agreement allows you to get paid for your work. Don’t waste your effort or your time.

A Few More Contract Issues

By Michael Stone

Retainage clauses, removing the finance charge clause on the last payment, “we’ll pay you when we get paid”.  

Contract Language for Client-Caused Damage

By Michael Stone

What do you do when a client calls about a problem they created? Preventative measures make the difference between a profitable job and losses.

They Want a Bid Today

By Michael Stone

Every once in a while, your phone will ring and the potential client on the other end will tell you they want a bid today. What should you do? 

Business Protection for Contractors

By Michael Stone

The popular belief is that contractors are the villains and homeowners are the victims.  But if you’ve worked with the public for very long you know there are also dishonest clients.

Progress Payments: Keeping a Positive Cash Flow

By Michael Stone

We used to get three payments on jobs. 1/3, 1/3, 1/3. That’s not a smart business practice.

Money Changing Hands

By Michael Stone

It's easy to ask someone to do something; it's harder to hand over money. Your client isn't committed until they've written the first check.

Accounting – Keeping Track of Your Jobs

By Michael Stone

It’s easy to know if you’ve made a profit when every transaction is complete in a day. It isn’t as easy in construction, where a job might take a week, a month, or even more than a year to complete.

Pay Salespeople Fairly: Commission Sales

By Michael Stone

There are lots of opinions on how to pay a salesperson. Your salespeople have to be able to make a good living and provide for their family.

What’s Your Specialty?

By Michael Stone

If you're one of the many contractors who start an advertising message with, "We specialize in . . . ", good for you. But if you follow that statement with a long laundry list of things you do, you're hurting your business.

Supply and Demand

By Michael Stone

The services offered by construction businesses are in high demand right now. Can we look at this industry from another viewpoint?

The Games People Play

By Michael Stone

Why would a developer ask for a cost plus quote to replace a fixed price quote? Because he wants the very same work done at a lower price.

Getting Involved with a Storm Chaser

By Michael Stone

Last week, a contractor called to ask my opinion on getting involved with storm chasers that were in his area.

Getting Paid

By Michael Stone

If the payment schedule is adjusted after you’ve started a job and they aren’t willing to pay what’s owed, file liens. You must protect your right to be paid.

Getting Business as a Sub

By Michael Stone

One of the questions we’re asked most often is how a subcontractor can get jobs. How do you go about meeting general contractors and letting them know you’re available to build their jobs?

When Clients Do an End Run

By Michael Stone

Stay ahead of your clients. Write a detailed contract that protects you from as many unpleasant scenarios as possible, and work from written agreements with both your subcontractors and your employees. 

Most Profitable Construction Business Model: Do You Need Employees?

By Michael Stone

What is the most profitable construction business model? Do you need employees? /p>

Subcontractors or Employees?

By Michael Stone

Sometimes they request you use employees instead of subs, or work on a T&M basis. Clients don’t understand how the construction world works. It’s your job to educate them.

When Should You Cut Your Markup?

By Michael Stone

As the economy slowly improves, we are being asked to revisit issues we haven’t discussed for many years. 

Surprises Aren’t

By Michael Stone

Estimate your jobs properly so surprises don’t happen.

Making Money, Losing Money or Breaking Even, what now?

By Michael Stone

Last week we discussed knowing where you stand financially, whether you are making money, losing money, or breaking even.  What now?

Making Money, Breaking Even, Losing Money

By Michael Stone

This is the criteria I use to tell if a company is making money. It isn’t the only measure, but it’ll give you an idea of how your business is doing.

Let’s Not Talk About the Backlog

By Michael Stone

A major mistake contractors make is to tell a client they can’t start the job for 3-4-5 months. “We are backlogged, can’t possibly start your job before then.”

Markup Materials Only?

By Michael Stone

In a perfect world, estimated costs will match actual job costs. At the end of a perfect year, total job costs will equal projected job costs. It’s not a perfect world.

Contracts to Avoid

By Michael Stone

If you are going to deviate from a standard fixed price contract, look at your approach from your client’s point of view. Make sure they know what to expect and what you’ll do.

Contract Commitment Language

By Michael Stone

Commitment language in your contracts, payment schedules that help cash flow, right of rescission language. With a few extra comments.

Contracts – Dates, Times, Conferences

By Michael Stone

Many construction-related disputes can be avoided with a well written contract. Here are a few of the things that need to be included.

Estimating Construction

By Michael Stone

Estimating construction isn’t easy. When profits are down, missing the estimate on jobs is almost always part of the reason.

We Want To See Your Receipts

By Michael Stone

What if you agreed on a price, now customer wants all receipts for material? Without a clearly written fixed price contract, it's a problem waiting to happen.

Race to the Bottom, or “How Low Can I Price This Job?”

By Michael Stone

Cutting your price to get a job is a money losing approach. Over time, you won’t be making a profit and you’re only working yourself into debt.

Where Do You Get Your Leads?

By Michael Stone

A new business wants to market your construction business and provide leads. It'll also give homeowners ammunition making it harder to sell jobs. There’s an alternative.

Side Jobs in Construction

By Michael Stone

Have you ever had a client go behind your back and ask your employees and/or subcontractors to work for them outside your company?

How Much Should a Contractor Charge?

By Michael Stone

Many of our website visitors aren’t contractors, they’re clients looking for help with a Cost Plus project gone wrong, or wondering if their contractor is overcharging.

Adjusting Your Markup Based on the Job

By Michael Stone

Many contractors use a variable markup or margin to price jobs. They believe that in the construction industry you have to reduce the price to get the job.

A Poorly Written Contract Will Cost You Money

By Michael Stone

Too many contractors use a poorly-written construction contract, or no contract at all, leading to different interpretations of an issue.

Making Selections for Their Project

By Michael Stone

If you're a remodeling or new home contractor, how can you get clients to make their selections before you write the contract?  Make it easy for your client.

What’s the Right Contractor Salary?

By Michael Stone

If you’re a contractor, how much should you be paid to own and run your own construction company? How much should a construction company owner be paid as salary?

State by State Guide to General Contractor Bond Amounts

By Devon Stone

General contractor licensing and surety bond requirements by state to help prepare for running a sound business.

Itemized Estimates

By Michael Stone

Why clients request itemized estimates, and how you should respond.

Markup and Margin Calculations

By Devon Stone

Our newest six-hour class, based on the book “Markup & Profit, A Contractor’s Guide Revisited”, second hour, on markup and margin calculations.

Paying Owner’s Salary

By Devon Stone

Our newest six-hour class, based on the book “Markup & Profit, A Contractor’s Guide Revisited”, is now available. This clip is from the first part on financial requirements.

It Isn’t Your Price. It’s You

By Michael Stone

Address their fears so they feel safe purchasing from you.

Pricing Jobs Right

By Michael Stone

Not charging enough for your work is the major reason construction companies fail. Here are some of the mistakes contractors make when pricing their jobs.

How to Estimate Construction Costs

By Michael Stone

Estimating errors cost money. Lower your error factor by considering these common mistakes.

Hire Your Own Subs

By Michael Stone

From time to time, you will go out to see a potential client about doing work for them and they’ll ask if they can choose their own subs for their job.

Specifics on Change Work Orders

By Michael Stone

Last week we discussed having signed Change Work Orders (or Additional Work Orders). Today we’ll discuss 4 mistakes often made when writing Change Work Orders.

Residential vs. Commercial Contractors

By Michael Stone

I’ve long suspected that commercial and residential contractors look at the construction industry differently, and this thread confirmed that suspicion.

Ten Cardinal Sales Rules

By Michael Stone

Ten Cardinal Rules for residential construction sales.

Letter From an Architect

By Michael Stone

By providing background, Michael Beck helps us understand how the relationship between architects and contractors has developed over the years.

It’s Your Business

By Michael Stone

A contractor on the east coast was frustrated with how he was being treated by architects. For starters, they were requesting a list of all his subcontractors.

What Readers Say

By Michael Stone

The Markup & Profit newsletter is published every two weeks. It provides valuable, pertinent information for any construction-related business owner.

All that Glitters . . .

By Michael Stone

Is buying a construction business franchise a smart idea? The sales pitch is good, promising a proven method to run your business and a proven path to wealth.

Paying Yourself

By Michael Stone

You’re in business to provide a service and make a profit doing it. Having the financial info you need to make decisions is critical for your business success.

Cleaning the Jobsite

By Michael Stone

If you're an employer, these are things you should watch for and be prepared to deal with. If you're an employee, check to see how you're doing.

There is No Industry Standard

By Michael Stone

Don’t take any job where the client tells you how much you can charge for your work.

Construction Estimating: The Basics

By Michael Stone

The basics of construction estimating, so you can create more accurate estimates in a shorter time.

Your Price is Too High

By Michael Stone

“Your price is too high” means you haven’t done your job as a salesperson.

Guidelines for Success

By Michael Stone

Guidelines to a more successful construction-related business.

Ten Cardinal Rules for Construction Business Owners

By Michael Stone

Ten Cardinal Rules for a successful construction-related business.

Employees Can Generate Sales Leads

By Michael Stone

Employees, properly motivated, can generate a lot of new business for you.

Close Out Package

By Michael Stone

As you’re walking out the door on a finished project, you want your clients to remember you as the company that went the extra step for them.

Contract Cancellations

By Michael Stone

Cancellations happen, even with the best of salespeople. Clients have all kinds of reasons to cancel an agreement, and you need to be prepared.

Overhead Creep

By Michael Stone

Overhead creep is one of those subtle things that business owners often don’t notice. It leads to cash flow problems real quick.

Watermelons and Sales Leads

By Michael Stone

You might not think of watermelons, but one of our clever coaching clients shared a method he’s used to attract new leads for his business.

Payment Schedules for Cash Flow

By Michael Stone

A good payment schedule keeps you paid for the work you are doing. If you're using a 1/3, 1/3 and 1/3 schedule, you are financing most of the job out of your pocket.

Rounding Up, not Down

By Michael Stone

When we talk about making money, it's rarely about big chunks of change. One overlooked item that costs money is rounding numbers. For instance, your markup.

Employees to Volume Ratio

By Michael Stone

In our book we talk about the ratio of employees to dollar volume of business. Many contractors ignore this ratio and get caught up in the urgency of building a job.

Cost-Plus – A Homeowner’s View

By Michael Stone

A very nice gentleman called me last Friday. He related a story about his home remodeling project. It was done a Cost Plus job, the "plus" was negotiated at 18%.

Marketing is just like planting seeds

By Michael Stone

For those who don’t understand the need for an ongoing marketing and advertising program for your business, let me try this analogy:


By Michael Stone

Transparency, as I understand it, is opening your books to your potential clients and showing them all the numbers pertaining to a job you are quoting.

Paying a Bonus to Employees

By Michael Stone

We are approaching the time of year when the subject of bonuses comes up. Your employees might be saying, “Do you suppose they will pay us a Christmas Bonus this year?”

Your Clients and Your Subs

By Michael Stone

Now, if you are a subcontractor, it doesn't matter what trade, if a general contractor has hired you to work on a job your obligation is to that general contractor only.

Watch Your Overhead

By Michael Stone

It's important to set goals for your business. It's also important to track, on a month by month basis, how close your actual finances are to those goals.

Use the Right Payment Schedule

By Michael Stone

If you want positive cash flow in your construction business, make sure you're using the right payment schedule on your contracts.

A Bait and Switch Scam?

By Michael Stone

Last weekend I passed a billboard on the side of the road. It loudly declared, "We will build your new home for $32 a square foot."

Pass those savings along?

By Michael Stone

I read an article where the author talked about passing savings on to clients. This sounds well and good, but place it low on your priorities when putting a job together.

Do You Pay Bonuses for Work Done?

By Michael Stone

If you’ve raised kids in the past 20-30 years, you know the new rules – no one loses, everyone gets a prize. Don’t keep score because it hurts their feelings.

Sending Invoices for Construction or Handyman Work

By Michael Stone

Invoicing is one way clients delay paying. "Thanks for doing that work, send me an invoice, okay?" Why do contractors agree? Maybe they believe everyone does it.

Asking for a Lien Release Prior to Payment

By Michael Stone

A specialty contractor said, "A general contractor called and asked me to send a lien release. If I do that, he will send a check for what he owes me."

Who Pays Your Salary?

By Michael Stone

The next time anyone, including yourself, wants to complain about how much money you make, think about this quote from Henry Ford.

Recover Overhead and Profit in your Labor Rate

By Michael Stone

There are four basic ways to charge for construction services. These are fixed fee or lump sum pricing, Time & Material pricing, Cost Plus, and using an hourly rate.

Should Salespeople Have to Generate Leads?

By Michael Stone

Someone asked me recently if I thought a salesperson for a construction-related company should help provide leads, and how many. Yes, they should help provide leads.

What Would You Do? Getting Cut Out of a Sale

By Michael Stone

I was working as a salesperson for a fairly well run remodeling company. I went on a sales call to the home of a CPA that I’d know for some years.

What Goes On a Business Card?

By Michael Stone

One of the topics was business cards, we spent several minutes reviewing the value of a business card and how it can help promote your company.

Relationship Between Sales and Owner’s Salary

By Michael Stone

We had a question come in this week from a contractor asking about how to calculate the volume of business a company needs to support the owner’s salary.

Do Construction Jobs Have a Life Expectancy?

By Michael Stone

Does a job have a “life expectancy”? I believe it does and you should be aware of the warning signs.

Construction Company Turnaround

By Michael Stone

Do you wonder if the book, Markup & Profit; A Contractor’s Guide can help your business, even in today’s economy? Check out a note we received earlier this month.

Do You Have Business Interruption Insurance?

By Michael Stone

Business Interruption Insurance is among the least understood and often most poorly written coverage.

Market Your Business with Pumpkins

By Michael Stone

A marketing idea for your business: pumpkins.

A Market in Holiday Lighting

By Michael Stone

You need to start planning your advertising to potential clients that you are available to install and take down Christmas lights and decorations.

Selling On Price Alone

By Michael Stone

I was reminded again recently of the need for in-house training on what it takes to pay the bills in a construction related company.

Becoming a Construction Business Owner?

By Michael Stone

When people lose their jobs, many decide to start their own business

“Transparency” or Proprietary Information?

By Michael Stone

Someone once said, “No man’s business is safe while the legislature is in session.” Here is another example.

Construction Business Employee Manual

By Michael Stone

Many old timers in this business will tell you to be slow to hire and quick to fire. That is just the opposite of what too many construction-related businesses do.

Price Fixing in Construction

By Michael Stone

During a recent survey, comments were made about price fixing. They referenced the Sherman Antitrust Act and association warnings about the appearance of price fixing.

Markup or Margin . . . Which is Better?

By Michael Stone

Are markup and margin interchangeable? Is a 1.55 markup the same as a 55% gross margin?

Using Gross Margin Correctly

By Michael Stone

Yesterday markup – today gross margin. Let's look at using your gross margin to calculate the correct sales price for your work.

Markup vs Margin

By Michael Stone

There’s a lot of confusion over using markup vs margin to price jobs.

Construction Coach Success Story

By Michael Stone

A young couple came to us for coaching in February, just two months ago. While their P & L was not all that bad they could and wanted to do better.

Run a Profitable Construction Business

By Devon Stone

Michael takes a minute to talk about the value of making a profit. (video)

The Pain of Discipline

By Michael Stone

This quote from Jim Rohn is particularly true for construction business owners. There are a lot of things that need to be done and we need the discipline to do them.

Moonlighting Construction Employees

By Michael Stone

A question came about moonlighting employees. This is an ongoing issue for construction business owners.

Employee Benefits for a Construction Business

By Michael Stone

If a company offers no sick pay or vacation pay…but is about to start – which is more important to offer first, anticipating that the next year we can offer the other?

Labor Rate for Construction

By Michael Stone

I’m frequently asked for the “industry standard” rate per hour for various types of work. There isn’t an industry standard markup, and there isn’t an industry standard hourly labor rate.

Is It Gouging or a Fair Price?

By Michael Stone

An earlier post of ours is getting a few homeowners riled up. The post discusses homeowners who have contacted us, unhappy about the prices their contractor is charging.

Is a Contractor’s License Important?

By Michael Stone

Why would you choose someone that has chosen to work without a business license for 30 years?

Running a Business or Being a Craftsman?

By Michael Stone

Earlier this year I had the opportunity to interview with Brian Javeline for The Contractor Show. Our episode was just posted.

Markup for Insurance Work – What’s Fair?

By Michael Stone

The truth is, no contractor can survive on 10% overhead and 10% profit.

Becoming Part of the Solution – from Dakota Supply Group, Part 2

By Michael Stone

If being a lawyer is just like any other job, why do so many people regard it as a better career than that of a tradesperson like an electrician, carpenter or plumber?

Becoming Part of the Solution – from Dakota Supply Group, Part 1

By Michael Stone

All of the industries that we work with share one thing in common: they employ tradespeople . . . But there’s a problem: there’s not enough of you to go around.

Downpayment on a construction job

By Michael Stone

Got a phone call recently from a contractor doing a job in the $150K range. Everything is fine, contract signed, and the job is going great.

Free Estimates: when you don’t give your work away

By Michael Stone

The contractor presented a design agreement with a $3,000 fee to design the job, 1/2 of the fee would be credited back when a contract was signed for the final job.

General and Specialty Contractor relationships

By Michael Stone

In the last month I’ve heard from more specialty contractors having problems being paid by generals than I’ve heard in years.

Fixed Price Quotations or Itemization?

By Michael Stone

I read an article telling general and specialty contractors to give itemized estimates. Oh joy. It talks about goodwill, trust, comparing estimates, and other tripe.

Using a Variable Markup to calculate Construction Job Price

By Michael Stone

A young lady told me her husband is using a variable markup on jobs. He marks up labor 3 or 3.5 times and materials 1.5 times. He adds 10% to subcontractor quotes …

Why You Need a Well-Written Contract

By Michael Stone

A client decided to change the rules of their contract. She decided not to pay the full amount or on time as the contract specified.

Overhead Expenses in Accounting Software

By Michael Stone

I was reminded again this week by a dear friend who is an expert in the use of QuickBooks of the necessary care that needs to be taken when you set up your accounting.

Construction-Related Franchises

By Michael Stone

“I was wondering if you had any advice for contractors when approached about a franchise opportunity.”

Finding and Keeping Good Subs

By Michael Stone

My biggest challenge as a residential remodeler is obtaining and keeping qualified and experienced sub-contractors willing to do smaller type projects.

Spec Homes / Custom Homes

By Michael Stone

I was asked for information on the diffe

Upselling: Give Them Options

By Michael Stone

If you are in business, you are in sales. No rationalizing, you are in sales. If you don’t sell something at a profit, you are going to go away.

Charging for Estimates

By Michael Stone

If you’ve been in construction sales very long, you’ve met potential customers who ask for an estimate, but after a lot of work you learn they were just shopping.

OH&P in Construction – Using Figures Wrong Hurts Your Business

By Michael Stone

Adding overhead and profit to job costs to calculate sales price is a mistake. Contractors should use a markup calculated for their construction business.

Is it a Construction Business, or a Hobby?

By Michael Stone

Question came from a friend the other day. He said, "Michael, how do you determine whether someone in construction has a business or a hobby?"

Is My Contractor Overcharging Me?

By Michael Stone

We have had two e-mails in the past week from homeowners asking about the “Industry Standard” for pricing, wondering if their contractor is overcharging them.

Provide a Service, Make a Profit

By Michael Stone

A young businessman called. He was in a state of shock after checking his books over the weekend and found over $11,000 in receivables, much of it over 30 days.

Price Your Construction Jobs Correctly

By Michael Stone

If you are tired of starving because you have enough work but don’t have the money to pay your bills, heed these words.

Cost-Plus, Cost+, Time and Materials, T & M

By Michael Stone

A coaching client was working with a potential customer who wanted a remodeling job on a cost-plus basis instead of a fixed fee contract.

Construction Employees – It’s Break Time!

By Michael Stone

At the start of break, the crew jumped in a truck, drove 15 minutes to a doughnut shop, had coffee and a doughnut or two, drove 15 minutes back to the job site.

Salary and Markup

By Michael Stone

One of our clients called with cash flow problems. Leads were coming in, sales and production was good, correct number of employees for the volume of work, but no money.

Be Fair to your Customers – and Yourself

By Michael Stone

I talked with a young guy the other day who called about our coaching service. His company was upside down and I could tell he was hurting.

Specialize in Construction – Stay Focused

By Michael Stone

After working with a few hundred coaching clients, I believe that the key to profitability in construction is staying focused on doing a few things well.

Getting Paid for Quotes – Part 1

By Michael Stone

Design agreements, letters of intent – get paid for written quotes.

How Much Do You Pay the Owner?

By Michael Stone

During a recent class I taught, it was clear many in the audience didn’t understand that their sales volume must be enough to support the salary of the company owner. 

Couples in Construction (Working with your spouse)

By Michael Stone

The most profitable construction company today is a husband/wife combination with one other person either supervising the construction or selling for the company.

Rent or Purchase Construction Equipment?

By Michael Stone

Do you rent or buy your tools or equipment? Here is a quick and dirty rule to follow. Don’t tie up money in tools and equipment that seldom gets used.

Customer Furnished Materials

By Michael Stone

A recent note said, "The client wants to furnish all the materials. They are going to give me the money to go buy the materials, should I add my markup on the materials?"

Underbidding a Job

By Michael Stone

“I’m a contractor and underbid a house. I’m almost done and just figured that out. I can’t afford this loss. What can I do besides bankruptcy?”

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